BLUE ALOHA After Shave Tonic Splash
Blue After Shaves is something that has been around forever. For the 70’s kid that I am, the iconic Aqua Velva is what I am picturing. As an avid wet shaver, some of the old-school brand like Clubman Lustray Blue Spice, Myrsol Blue and Blue Floid come to mind.
There is something about a cool blue liquid in a clear bottle that is just aesthetically inviting. It’s like man nip. Clearly not of the same caliber as high heels, but you get it.
The Blue Aloha After Shave Tonic Splash caught my interest a while back, but I couldn’t quite figure out how to get a bottle and there was very little information available. Let’s remedy that!
The Blue Aloha after shave is a product created for Mark-Jason Solofa’s Barbershop and manufactured by Crown Shaving Co. If you have ever used/worked with Crown Shaving products you are already in the know.
As I have no idea as to how this product came to life, I will let my imagination take over. – The scene, Mark-Jason Solofa and Dino of Crown Shaving are finishing lunch and a scent triggers a conversation about how awesome that would be in a an old-school aftershave…and the Blue Aloha is born! LOL
The scent is juicy citrus and pineapple. It has a sweet-happy Caribbean vibe and if I were drunk, there is a definite risk of me putting a straw in that bottle. In short, the scent is flat out perfect. It was also Mrs. Style4men approved.
For an after shave, the fragrance on this one has some good staying power. Normally I wouldn’t expect much more than 30 – 60 min, while here it is more like 1½ to 2 hours.
Contrary to typical old-school after shave splashes, this is quite gentle. Like a dame passing her fingers on your neck. Yes, there is alcohol in there but it is tamed down by water and witch hazel. The witch hazel is awesome as it not only reduces the sting, but it also eliminates that drying effect normally caused by the alcohol.
My mug felt fine and that scent started the day just right!
In so many words, if you are a wet shaver, this is something you will want to experience for yourself. There are aftershaves and then there is BLUE ALOHA!